Free Random Chat apk Fast Download

Random Chat apk Description

Random Chat aka Automegle, allows you to chat anonymously with strangers easily. It is the android version of the web application called Omegle, and provides a couple of features to help improve your chatting experience.

Omegle lets you connect and start chatting with a random "Stranger". Omegle has many users online at all times, so you can always find someone to chat with.

- Automegle allows you automatically reconnect to the next chatter when the current chatter disconnects.
- It also automatically sends repetitive messages like greetings and ASL (your age, gender, location etc.) to the Stranger on each reconnection.
- Apart from this, it provides auto completion feature to fasten the chatting speed on mobile.

Captchas are not added intentionally, if omegle asks for captcha only then will the app ask for it.

CAPTCHA TIP: To avoid captchas don't keep disconnecting very fast. Also if you start getting them, try switching your network from WiFi to Mobile internet or vice versa :)

Also, I am working on making this chat captcha free, so keep hooked.

Keywords: Automegle, automatic reconnection, auto chat, auto pilot chat, anonymous chat, random chat, fast chat, easy chat, automatic omegle

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